Hi there,
I'MPERFECT is a forum for females (from young girls to women) to share
their experiences and methods of coping and progressing in life.
Rebuilding and owning your queendom; mind, body and spirit.
We are imperfect but by reconfiguring those imperfections we are perfect.
Women are the strongest beings there are on this planet, and what we go
through can never be taken lightly.
It is no wonder that at times our mental state, bodies, spirits and more may suffer from the effects of things getting too much.
This is where I'MPERFECT comes in; we are here to share experiences of hardships
in life. You are not alone so let those who understand and have been through
the same, enable you with the strength and courage you need to continue.
I'MPERFECT is your anonymous friend/family, here to support you no matter
what your situation is. Whether you are a self harmer, depressed, just having a
down day, having family issues, mentally fustrated, emotionally drained or
any other.
We are here to uplift each other because we need one another to keep going.
If you would like to share anything; be it an inspirational story, your story, a text, song, quote
or if you have a problem and want advice, email us now.
Our motto song is Emeli Sande - Wonder. This song speaks for itself.
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