Saturday 22 November 2014

Get rid

Rid yourself of any unnecessary burden. 

Have courage to know that although you may not see the outcomes now but all will become clear if you follow things through according to the bigger plan. 

That may sound cliche but over thinking is just another weapon to fuel fear and doubt. 

Getting yourself back up

Do whatever you need to do to get yourself back up. 

Try and do things that simply make you happy: bubble bath, film, popcorn, baking, singing....anything. 

Remember that your mental health is just as important as physical health. 
Think about it like as if you had a broken leg. Certain things you won't be able to do straight away but will with time 

So if you feel you need some "me time" (away from things), it is perfectly fine. So that you can  recharge and find your inner strength to help you get back out into the world at your personal best

Your journey is unique to you, so just because one way works for somebody else doesnt mean it'll work for you. At the end of the day you have to do what is best for you. 

Our judgement can be cloudy when our mental health isnt on form so it's good to confide in someone you trust and that knows you. Or a group or individual who doesn't know you if you prefer your family not knowing. 

They may never fully get you and you may never fully get them but all you can do is work with the strengths of your best relationship

If you know the love is there, it doesnt really matter. Our judgement is based on our experiences and what we've been told. 

Show them your truth and help them to try and understand. 

Tuesday 18 November 2014


*Breathe*.....say out loud and believe....'Love and Light'
Focus on being positive and embodying this.


Try to find the positive aspect in your situation
Try to believe that the bad things/situations will lead to growth
Try to act more maturely in situations
Try not to let things get to you and drain your energy

❤ & 🌅

Somebody told me....

People aren't as happy and care free as they would like you to think. 
It really is best to focus on yourself and work towards what you want;
What things you expect
What people you want around you...

It's a hard and lengthy task but it's the only positive daily decision we all should be making.

Work on changing your mind set because it seems as if you have adopted a negative one through all your disappoints lately.

People may have taken advantage of your strength and that's why you're probably feeling like this. 

But each trial has made you stronger whether you know it or not. 

Admit that You may just need some help for once

These knocks are not your fault

Everyone needs time to rebuild themselves after these situations 

But remember, strength isn't about how you feel

It's about how you have dealt with things and what things you can withstand and you've been through a lot

But if at all, try and look at the positives you've been through. Even if it is that you've been through such shit. That's a positive in itself 

Because that's the way trials work